CouchDB is a free and open-source database system that stores JSON documents. CouchDB was written in the functional programming language Erlang, which is designed for concurrent systems with non-linear data. CouchDB can be used as a database that stores JSON documents, or as an application server with a RESTful JSON API that provides JSON views.
The best CouchDB course of 2025
This course will show you how to install CouchDB from your terminal and from your Linux distribution’s software center. You will install CouchDB on your local machine and learn how to upload and download documents to and from the CouchDB database. You will be shown how to start a CouchDB server and create a CouchDB database.
Among the main topics of the course, you will learn:
- Conclusion
- Introduction
- Legacy: CouchDB version 1
- Replication
- Mango Query
- Design Documents
- Working with Fauxton
- Clusters
- REST API – Database Commands
- Installation/Setup
The best CouchDB Complete course of 2025
. CouchDB is a document-oriented database that stores JSON documents with a built-in query language. This is a hands-on, practical course that will help you learn how to install CouchDB, configure it, work with design documents, and more. Learn CouchDB with this intensive course.
Among the main topics of the course, you will learn:
- Introduction
- Java Scripts Basics
- Adding an Angular UI to a Node.js app
- CouchDB basics
- Node.js basics by exemple: building a CLI application (Library tool)
- Node.js advanced concepts and topics
- Building a Rest API (Library)
- Using Docker with Node.js
The best CouchDB Rapid course of 2025
This course will teach you the basics of CouchDB, so you can get started with it quickly. You will cover topics like data modeling, installation, querying, and configuration.
Among the main topics of the course, you will learn:
- Building the Front-end and Back-end of our network
- Docker-Compose
- (1.4 Start Here) First Network – 1.4 is deprecated and not everything works
- Kubernetes
- Complete Deep Dive of Fabric CA!
- Attaching our API to Hyperledger
- Getting Started
- Kops and Kubernetes in Production
- Minikube
- Q&A Sessions
The best CouchDB Practical course of 2025
This course will teach you the basics of CouchDB without requiring any previous experience. You will be introduced to the CouchDB architecture, installation, configuration, administration, etc. You will then be guided through the process of modelling data using CouchDB’s query language, Map Reduce, Views, and Updates. You will be also guided through the process of developing a web application using CouchDB’s web framework, Cradle.
Among the main topics of the course, you will learn:
- Configtxgen Tool
- Setting up the Network Configuration and Policies
- Orderer Binary
- Setting up the Development Environment
- Fabric System Chaincode
- Setting the Stage
- Updating the Network and Channel Configuration
- Peer Binary
- Fabric RAFT Setup
- Multi Org Setup with Root Certification Authority
The best CouchDB course for Beginners in 2025
This course will teach you what CouchDB is, how to install it, and how to use it. You will learn how to create a database, how to create a document, what data types there are, how to make changes to your document, how to use views, how to query your database, how to make your document secure, and many other things.
Among the main topics of the course, you will learn:
The best CouchDB Course of the 2025.
This is definitely the best CouchDB course to learn in this 2025.