JavaScript is a programming language that’s used to enhance the functionality of web pages. It is commonly used to create interactive web pages, and can be used to create browser games, animations, and other web-based content. It can also be used to create desktop applications, which can perform tasks like checking email, creating graphs, and more.
The best JavaScript course of 2024
This course is designed for people who have a little knowledge of JavaScript. It will teach you what JavaScript is and how to use it. This course will also teach you about the ES6 features of JavaScript. It has a quiz after each lesson to test your knowledge.
Among the main topics of the course, you will learn:
- [OPTIONAL] HTML & CSS Crash Course
- Forkify App: Building a Modern Application
- Mapty App: OOP, Geolocation, External Libraries, and More!
- The End!
- Working With Arrays
- Setting Up Git and Deployment
- JavaScript in the Browser: DOM and Events Fundamentals
- JavaScript Fundamentals – Part 1
- How JavaScript Works Behind the Scenes
- Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises, Async/Await, and AJAX
The best JavaScript Complete course of 2024
This course is perfect for beginners looking to learn the basics of JavaScript. You will learn the basics of JavaScript syntax and how to execute JavaScript code on a web browser. You will also learn how to construct a JavaScript object and what JavaScript libraries are.
Among the main topics of the course, you will learn:
- BONUS: Getting Ready for ECMAScript 6
- Execution Contexts and Lexical Environments
- Odds and Ends
- Object-Oriented Javascript and Prototypal Inheritance
- Conclusion
- Examining Famous Frameworks and Libraries
- Building Objects
- Types and Operators
- BONUS Lectures
- BONUS: ES6 In-Depth (Don’t Imitate Understand)
The best JavaScript Rapid course of 2024
JavaScript is a popular programming language that is used to create interactive web pages. This course is perfect for beginners who want to learn the basics of JavaScript without having to spend too much time on it. The course covers the basics of the language, including variables, operators, data types, expressions, loops, and functions.
Among the main topics of the course, you will learn:
- Advanced Function Concepts
- More on Numbers & Strings
- Behind the Scenes & The (Weird) Past (ES3, ES5) & Present (ES6+) of JavaScript
- Working with JavaScript Libraries
- Deep Dive: Constructor Functions & Prototypes
- Introduction
- Practice: OOP & Classes
- Modular JavaScript (Working with Modules)
- More on Arrays & Iterables
- Working with Events
The best JavaScript Practical course of 2024
The course teaches JavaScript fundamentals to improve your understanding of the basics. You will learn how to work with data to manipulate it and make it usable.
Among the main topics of the course, you will learn:
- Asynchronous JavaScript
- OOP vs FP
- Extra: Data Structures In JavaScript
- Andrei updates
- Appendix I: Javascript Basics
- The 2 Pillars: Closures and Prototypal Inheritance
- Appendix II: Intermediate Javascript
- Thank You
- Javascript Foundation II
- JavaScript Foundation
The best JavaScript course for Beginners in 2024
This course is for beginners in JavaScript, and is designed for those who have never programmed before. It starts from the basics, and moves up to more advanced techniques, giving you the tools to become an expert developer.
Among the main topics of the course, you will learn:
- The ‘every’ and ‘some’ Helper
- Arrow Functions
- The ‘forEach’ Helper
- Promises and Fetch
- Template Strings
- The ‘reduce’ Helper
- The ‘find’ Helper
- The ‘map’ Helper
- Before We Get Started
- Rest and Spread Operator
The best JavaScript Course of the 2024.
This is definitely the best JavaScript course to learn in this 2024.