The STM32 is a powerful microcontroller that has many different applications. They can be used for embedded systems, motor control, and even wireless data. The STM32 is a great choice for developers who need to integrate a system with a lot of processing power.
The best STM32 course of 2024
This course is for those who are looking to learn STM32 microcontrollers. You will learn the basics on how to program on the STM32, how to use the Code Composer Studio IDE, and how to use the STM32CubeMX Editor.
Among the main topics of the course, you will learn:
- Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter(UART)
- Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter(UART)
- Closing
- Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC)
- Interfacing with a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
- Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
- Interrupts Programming
- Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC)
- General Purpose Input/Output(GPIO)
- Start of Old Version of the Course – Introduction
The best STM32 Complete course of 2024
This course will go through everything you need to know about the STM32 line of microcontrollers. It starts by introducing what an STM32 is and how it can be configured, followed by more advanced topics such as interrupts, DMA, and the UART. It will also go through all of the peripherals of the STM32 line, such as the timers, ADC, DAC, SPI, I2C, and more. Finally, It will show you how to program the STM32 using the GNU ARM compiler.
Among the main topics of the course, you will learn:
- GPIO driver API Implementation : GPIO init and de-init
- I2C Driver API : I2C Master receive data
- I2C introduction and I2C signals
- Exercise
- USART driver development
- Exercise : SPI Send Data
- SPI serial clock discussion
- Understanding I2C Protocol
- Creating a project using STM32CUBEIDE
- SPI Driver API Implementation : Send Data
The best STM32 Rapid course of 2024
This STM32 course will teach you the basics of STM32, including topics like how to work with the STM32Cube application, how to use the STM32CubeMX configuration, and how to use the STM32CubeMX software.
Among the main topics of the course, you will learn:
- Usage of bit-fields in embedded code
- Keypad interfacing
- Pointers
- Embedded C coding exercise for LED
- ‘volatile’ type qualifier
- Strings
- Introduction
- Microcontroller and Hello World
- Storage classes
- Looping
The best STM32 Practical course of 2024
This course is a practical class that will teach you how to use the STM32 microcontroller. The course will go over how to interact with the microcontroller and use the various peripherals. It will also go over how to use the built-in peripherals, such as the USART and the SPI.
Among the main topics of the course, you will learn:
- Low Power Modes
- CAN frame formats
- CAN normal mode and exercise
- Timer’s Output Compare unit
- Hardware/Software Requirements
- Current reduction tips and tricks
- RTC and RTC Calendar Block
- General Purpose Timer: Input Capture Unit
- Understanding STM32 HAL program flow with UART exercise
- RTC Alarm Exercises
The best STM32 course for Beginners in 2024
A course for beginners in STM32, where you will be taught from scratch, and become an expert. The course will cover STM32’s programming, the C programming language, and the ARM architecture, with the goal of mastering the usage of the chip.
Among the main topics of the course, you will learn:
- How to choose the right microcontroller for your application
- Special features of a microcontroller
- LAB: Windows, Mac, Linux – Development environment setup
- Cortex-M Exception Model, Vector Table and VTOR
- LAB: UART driver development
- Course basics
- LAB: DAC & TIM – Digital to analog conversion driver development
- Cortex-M Core Blocks
- LAB: GPIO – General purpose input output driver development
- Congratulations and Thank you!
The best STM32 Course of the 2024.
This is definitely the best STM32 course to learn in this 2024.